General guidelines

There is an array of both regional and national, private and public grant programmes you can apply for as a concert promoter. Most local municipalities will have an online overview of available programmes in their region. When completing an application, it is important to get across both the projects purpose as well as your capacity to implement your plans in order to stand out.

Here are some guidelines on how to structure your application.


Before you start

Make sure to always have read and understood the grants’ purpose and guidelines. To assure your project is eligible within each grants criterion, review public lists of previously granted projects and compare it to your own. These lists will also give you an indication of what size of sums any particular grant is offering.


Most grants only offer project based funding as opposed to funding operating costs. In any case this will be clearly outlined in the grant guidelines.


Always apply for a single project at a time, and give it as clear a timeframe as possible. Applications should concern future projects, which has not already been completed. If you are applying for more than one project in a single application, put these in a prioritised order. Several grants ask that a project should not be set in motion prior to applying.


Spend enough time on the application, keep it concise, easy to read and to the point. Make sure to include these details:

  • Who you are
  • What are you applying funding for?
  • The projects purpose
  • What sum are you applying for?


What an application should include:

  • Application form: Most grants offer a default application form, that can be either downloaded from its website or filled out online. Make sure all fields are filled in correctly and include your own project description, budget and other relevant documents to your project as attachments.
  • Project description: Not all grants ask that you submit your own project description, but it is still recommended that you do. A good brief will can also be your template for future applications.
  • Budget: A realistic budget should always be submitted, as well as an overview of the projects financing. Make sure to add further details to fields that need explanation.


Project description

This document is what sells the project. Include enough details about yourselves to convince the reader about your ability to implement your plans. These are (but not limited to):

  • Info about the applicant: Who are you, when where you founded and why. What is your purpose, your organisational structure and how are you financed?
  • Profile: What is the projects profile. What has the frequency of prior actives been and what have you already produced.
  • About the project: Its purpose and background, detailed content and resources required in order to realise. Key details should be presented in the applications early sections.
  • Attachments: If at hand submit relevant documentation such as financial statements and annual reports including results of previous projects.

Most programmes ask that you submit a budget and a financial plan. A well-structured budget should clearly highlight the project’s financial requirements and the costs of each element. It should include all expenses, income, applied sum and balance. This should be an anticipated budget, and does not have to your final version. The financial plan should display how the project is financed through the balancing of expenses and income.



Many programmes require a certain degree of self-financing. These investments do not necessarily have to be in cash, but for example through unpaid voluntary work. The advantage of including this is your budget is that it allows you to add a certain value to the hours you will put in to the project, which will increase the budget and thus make the applied sum seem relatively smaller.

A budget should include any other grants you have either applied or been offered funding from. Having received funding through other grants can positively impact additional programmes to support you project, as it helps to see that other institutions believe in you.



Your budget should include all production costs. These are expenses directly related to the realisation of the described project, and not operation costs. These included (but are not limited to) costs for fees, travel expenses, security, catering, accommodation, marketing etc. It is common to include a miscellaneous category for unforeseen expenses of about 5-10% of the total budget.



Apart from the sum you are applying for, it is important that a budget shows what project’s expected income is. These can include income from ticket sales, food and beverages, merchandise, public financing, self-financing etc.



Most grants ask that you deliver a narrative and financial report after having completed the project. You should highlight what you have achieved and submit

copies of flyers or posters where you have presented your partners and funders of the project.


A good report is not necessarily a long report. It should give a brief overview of the project and if it was carried out as described in the approved application. Keep your approval letter as it will usually include details of required reports. Remember to address all subjects asked of you.


The financial records should coincide with the application budget. Notable deviations must be addressed and you should explain how the situation has changed since the application was sent. If in progress you realise that the project is turning out very differently from what was outlined in the application, it would be wise to contact the grant to inform about the changes. Significant deviations may lead grants to demand that funds be refunded or reduced.


A report should include:

  • Where, when and by who the project was carried out
  • A brief self-evaluation
  • Financial records (audited if requested)
  • All relevant documentation asked for in the approval letter